Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you anywhere.

Welcome to Severn Architects

"We're a progressive architectural practice working at the intersection of design and IT technology, we communicate our designs ideas through 3D media so our clients can immerse themselves in a 3D or VR experience. "

About Us


We bring ideas to life. That is both our goal, and our vision, so we make every effort to deeply envision your idea. 



The design process at SEVERN involves several stages, from initial sketches to 3D modelling. 


The only rounded corners you'll find at SEVERN are the ones you want rounded. We take accuracy very seriously. 


Your opinion & satisfaction matter throughout the process. From the very first line drawn, to the last. 

Latest Blogs

March 31, 2021
You’ve been stuck in the house, working from home for nearly 12 months and you just have to get that extension designed because working at the kitchen table is just too disruptive! Where do you start?
June 11, 2020
Most of us have spent the last 10-12 weeks in and around our homes whether we wanted to or not; So what have we discovered?

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